About us
This database is comprised of a country directory with summaries and/or links to national drone laws. The objective is to provide humanitarian and non-humanitarian actors with a database of relevant national regulations, additional resources, and links to original regulatory documents to ensure that drones are deployed safely and in compliance with national regulations.
The database was initiated and launched as a Wiki by UAViators in 2014. From 2015 to 2016, it was enhanced by FSD with funding provided by DG ECHO, ceasing in 2017. The New America Foundation has contributed with regulatory information on numerous countries. Further significant contributions were made in 2016 by data on regulations in ACP countries produced by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA). Parrot and SenseFly joined the contributor team at the end of 2016. OZYRPAS Consulting is providing the funding and further support from mid-2017.
Regulations change quickly and the resource needs contributors to keep this database up to date. If you want to support us by making edits to the country pages, please register for an account. If you want to submit a regulations update for one country only without registering, please email ozydroneregs@gmail.com. All information is visible to registered and unregistered users alike.
Please note also that the Medical Drone Delivery Database MD3 is a user-generated database to consolidate evidence from drone implementations in an accessible platform, and is supported by the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Payload Delivery Working Group (UPDWG: is a global community of stakeholders interested in the development, advancement and application of drones for use in public health and supply chain systems): https://www.updwg.org/md3/
Disclaimer: The content on these pages is offered only as public general information. This page does not provide legal advice of any kind, and we cannot guarantee that the information is accurate, complete or up-to-date. This page should not be used as a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney licensed or authorised to practice in your jurisdiction. You should always consult a suitably qualified attorney regarding any specific legal problem or matter.