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UAS regulations

Source not in English. According to an unofficial translation, no unmanned aircraft are allowed to fly in Algerian airspace unless permission is obtained from the “competent national authority”.

I have checked the ENNA website again in April 2017, and May 2020, as well as the The Direction de l'Aviation Civile et de la météorologie (DACM) and could not find any regulations or circulars. It appears that Law No. 08-02 and  Law No. 03-21 amended and supplemented Law No 98-06 without effect to Art 75.

Here is the relevant article (and an unofficial translation) from the Law No. 98-06 (3 Rabie El Aouel 1419) corresponding to 27 June 1998 establishing general rules related to civil aviation:

Art. 75.- Nul aéronef susceptible d'être dirigé sans pilote ne peut survoler sans pilote le territoire
national à moins d'une autorisation spéciale de l'autorité nationale compétente qui stipule les
mesures à prendre de façon à éviter tout danger aux aéronefs civils.

Art. 75.- No aircraft capable of being conducted without a pilot can fly over the territory without a pilot
...unless a special authorization from the competent national authority stipulates the
measures to be taken so as to avoid any danger to civil aircraft.

[LATEST UPDATE: May 2020, David Guerin] 

Last update / 21.05.2020


Legal sources

Air navigation service provider:

Etablissement National de la Navigation Arienne

The Direction de l'Aviation Civile et de la météorologie (DACM): 

Last update / 21.05.2020

Contact info

Etablissement National de la Navigation Arienne

Address: 1 Avenue de independence - BP 383 - Algiers.
Tel: + (213) 23 51 53 69
Fax: + (213) 23 51 51 99
Email: /

Aeronautical information services: 

Last update / 21.05.2020

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