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UAS regulations


As of February 2019, no national regulations or recommendations for operating: drones/unmanned-aircraft/Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) could be found. However, it appears there is a project looking to rules for the use of civilian unmanned aerial vehicles (Project - only in Azeri language) and the link doesn't appear to work.  

and minutes from the Second Project Steering Committee Meeting Kiev, Ukraine, 18 July 2017 support this:
“During the discussions, special attention was paid to the exchange of information and sharing best practices between the participants in the field of adaptation of European regulations with the national legislation of the states, regulations allowing operation of Western and Eastern type of aircraft, development of rules for oversight of operations and registration of unmanned aircraft systems ("drones"), ….”

[The information above was added in Feb 2019, David Guerin]

[CAUTION: the following has not been checked recently and may be incorrect:]
UAVs must meet the same safety and operational standards as manned aircraft, and must not present a greater hazard to persons, property, vehicles or vessels than manned aircraft of an equivalent class/category. UAVs may not fly closer than 30 meters to a person not involved with the operation.

Last update / 23.02.2019


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