UAS regulations
Belize Department of Civil Aviation:
International Operators
Kindly note that Belize is currently only accepting applications for Drone authorizations from international drone operators who have been commissioned for works/services from an approved local business/organization in Belize.
Drone operators providing services in Belize will need to meet the following process and application requirements prior to entering Belize (with their drone device/s):
- A letter of request/intent shall be submitted to the Director of Civil Aviation (stating the purpose of the works and services being provided by the drone operator/s) from the said business/organization who has commissioned these services in Belize; this must be emailed to the Department of Civil Aviation at the address and This letter must state arrival date of drone operator/s and location/s of drone operations to be conducted by the drone operator/s in Belize. Additionally, the following shall be submitted:
- A copy of drone operator/s identification card (a government issued ID card i.e. passport etc. from the applicant’s country or residency).
- A letter of approval for works by the Belize Film Commission.
- A completed copy of the Drone Application Form
- The Department of Civil Aviation will analyse the request
- The operator/s will then need to visit the Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) office on the first floor of Philip Goldson International Airport to pay a $30.00 BZE Currency fee for the PERMIT.
- Drone operator/s will need to take this receipt to the Department of Civil Aviation where the drone operator/s will receive the Authorization Letter and Permit for entrance and operations in Belize.
(The Government of Belize currently prohibits the temporary importation of drones for recreational/personal usage. The Government of Belize is currently developing requirements and regulations for recreational drone travelers to Belize. This process will allow all travelers to Belize to operate their devices after meeting the necessary requirements under the Laws of Belize.)
For Belizean Drone Operators:
- Complete the Drone Application Form
- Copy of government issued ID (Passport, Social Security)
- The operator/s will then need to visit the Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) office on the first floor of Philip Goldson International Airport to pay a $30.00 BZE Currency fee for the PERMIT.
Note: Drone authorizations are not issued for areas near 0 to 3 miles of an aerodrome (airstrips). Such places are: Ladyville, Placencia, Caye Caulker and North of San Pedro without written approval from the department.
[Updated in Feb 2019, by David Guerin]
According to Ms. Bautista, of the Belize Department of Civil Aviation (BDCA), who responded to an inquiry on April 4, 2016, procedures are in place.
_( email)
A basic form needs to be completed. (BDCA sends the form via email)
The application form must be accompanied by a request letter addressed to the Director of Civil Aviation (Mr. Lindsay Garbutt), clearly stating details of drone, person/s operating it, number of drones and the SPECIFIC area of operation and intended use.
All documents can be scanned and sent via email to the BDCA. A copy of the owner/operator passport should be attached also.
There is a registration fee of $30 that has to be paid in the airport at the Departments AIS office.
1. All required documents submitted to BDCA & PUC ( at Public Utilities Commission) in which PUC issues a permit to customs in order for when you get to Belize they do not hold the drone.
2. An authorization letter is then issued from the Department being that your request has been approved in which this letter should remain on persona at all times when operating drone.
*The three parties mentioned above maintain a steady and quick response communication daily.
Some of our limitations are as follows below:
0 to 3 MLS - No operation
3 to 5 MLS - will be reviewed and may have the presence of Inspectors on site.
Outside of 5MLS - should be submitted with specifics via google map with latitude and longitude for the Departments perusal, in which the Department will do its due diligence and approve as necessary with limitations.
Ms. Nirvi Bautista may be of assistance, contact her at the Department on telephone # 2252014.
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Last update / 24.09.2021
Travel experiences / Travel tips
Legal sources
Belize Department of Civil Aviation (BDCA)
PO Box 367, Philip SW Goldson International Airport, Belize City
Tel: +501-225-2052/+501-225-2014
Fax: +501-225-2533
Helpful contacts at BDCA: Nirvi Bautista (, +501-225-2014) and Shaun Young (
Last update / 02.03.2017
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