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UAS Regulations

Here is the link to the July 2017 press release reiterating the statement made below:

[The information above was added in Feb 2019, David Guerin]

The launch of unmanned aircraft is currently illegalized under Section 21 of the Civil Aviation Order 2006. Exceptions may be granted by the Department of Civil Aviation. Violation fines are set at a maximum of $50,000, in addition to a potential maximum five year prison sentence.


Two authorities are needed to clear drone imports; the Authority for Info-Communications Technology Industry (AITI), which regulate the remote controllers used by the pilots and the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA). fines from six up to 20 times the payable duties on those items if caught trying to smuggle those items in.

[LATEST UPDATE: Jan 2021, David Guerin]

Last update / 28.01.2021

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Last update / 28.01.2021

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Last update / 28.01.2021

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Last update / 02.03.2017