Burkina Faso

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UAS Regulations

The ANAC of Burkina Faso website was checked extensively on May 2020 and no UAS (drone) regulations or guidance could be found. However a report from 6 May 2019 states that Burkina Faso has a decree that governs the use of drones in Burkina Faso.

A release summary is provided by the Africa Goes Digital Platform.

The regulatory document can also be downloaded here:


RPAS Regulations (related to ICAO Annex 2)

Civil Aviation Regulations ANNEXE RÈGLES DE L’AIR (RAF 02) 2016 in French, were published with APPENDICE 4. SYSTEMES D'AERONEFS TELEPILOTES [from page 62] ) linked by sub-part:


3.1.9 Aéronef télépilotéUn aéronef télépiloté estexploité de manière à présenter lemoins de danger possible pour les personnes, les biens oud’autres aéronefs, et conformément aux conditions spécifiéesdans l’Appendice 4de l’annexe 2 de l’OACI.
[3.1.9 Remotely Piloted Aircraft: A remotely piloted aircraft is operated in such a way as to pose the least possible risk to persons, property or other aircraft, and in accordance with the conditions specified in Appendix 4 of ICAO Annex 2.]

The regulations are for international air navigations, i.e. operations by certified RPAS operating in controlled airspace as per conventionally piloted aircraft and covers three sections:

  1. General operating rules
  2. Certificates and Licenses
  3. Request for permission

Last update / 26.11.2020

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Legal sources

Agence Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (ANAC) du Burkina Faso

01 BP 1158 Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso

Tel: +226 50 30 64 88 / 50 31 63 32

Fax: +226 50 31 45 44


Email: info@anacburkina.org Website: http://www.anacburkina.org

Regs: http://www.anacburkina.org/?page_id=199 

Last update / 12.07.2017

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