UAS Regulations
The Autorité de l'Aviation Civile du Tchad (ADAC) website was checked extensively on May 2020 and no UAS (drone) regulations or guidance could be found.
RPAS Regulations (related to ICAO Annex 2)
In December 2014, the ACAD published civil aviation regulations (RAT02: RÈGLES DE L’AIR / Rules of the Air ) in French with APPENDICE 4 [Annex 4]. SYSTÈMES D’AÉRONEFS TÉLÉPILOTÉS (REMOTELY PILOTED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS with the Note.— La Circulaire 328, Systèmes d’aéronef sans pilote (UAS), contient des renseignements explicatifs sur les systèmes d’aéronef télépiloté, linked be sub-part: Aéronef télépilotéUn aéronef télépiloté estexploité de manière à présenter lemoins de danger possible pour les personnes, les biens oud’autres aéronefs, et conformément aux conditions spécifiéesdans l’Appendice 4de l’annexe 2 de l’OACI.
[ Remotely Piloted Aircraft: A remotely piloted aircraft is operated in such a way as to pose the least possible risk to persons, property or other aircraft, and in accordance with the conditions specified in Appendix 4 of ICAO Annex 2.]
The regulations are for international air navigations, i.e. operations by certified RPAS operating in controlled airspace as per conventionally piloted aircraft and covers three sections:
- General operating rules
- Certificates and Licenses
- Request for permission
Last update / 26.06.2020
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Autorité de l'Aviation Civile du Tchad (ADAC)
Chad’s Directorate of Civil Aeronautics
Boulevard Mahamat Khamis Djongos, N'Djaména, Tchad
Tel: +235 22 52 54 14
Fax : +235 252 29 09
Last update / 06.05.2020
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