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UAS regulations

Here is the link to the Cuban IACC regulations page - Regulaciones Aeronáuticas Cubanas (RAC)  :

RPAS regulations (perhaps not drones/UAS) are in the following:

RAC 02 Reglamento del Aire Annex 4 Sistemas de aeronaves pilotadas A distancia
RAC 01.61 Licencias para pilotos y sus habilitaciones
RAC 06.91 I (Armonizada LAR 91) Reglas de Vuelo y Operación General. Parte I: Aeronaves Annex M
RAC 06.91 II (Armonizada LAR 91)Reglas de Vuelo y Operación General. Parte II: Aviones Grandes y Turborreactores Annex M

RAC 02 Rules of the Air Annex 4 Remotely piloted aircraft systems
RAC 01.61 Pilot licenses and their ratings
RAC 06.91 I (Harmonized LAR 91) Flight Rules and General Operation. Part I: Annex M Aircraft
RAC 06.91 II (Harmonized LAR 91) Flight Rules and General Operation. Part II: Large Aircraft and Turbojets Annex M

The website of the Instituto de Aeronáutica Civil de Cuba (IACC) was last checked in 2020.

Last update / 20.09.2021

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Last update / 20.09.2021

Contact info

Instituto de Aeronáutica Civil de Cuba (IACC)

Calle 23 #64, Vedado, Plaza de la Revolución, La Habana

Tel: (537) 834-4949

Fax: (537) 834-4553

Last update / 20.09.2021

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Last update / 20.09.2021