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UAS Regulations

The CAAF has a home page for RPAS (drones):

and an introduction page to RPAS regulations here:

Frequently asked questions:

A list of RPAS Commercial Operators:

And information for certification:

Application for the issue of Authorisations

An applicant for the issue of an Authorisation to operate an RPAS commercially must submit the following to the Authority:-

For RPAS below 2kg:

A sub 2K Basic Drone Course certification or equivalent
Letter of Intent
Liability and Third Party Insurance Cover from a recognised Insurance broker that has dealt with Unmanned Aircraft Operations Insurance.

For RPAS above 2kg:

All of the documents listed above including the following additional documentation listed below must also be submitted:

Remote Pilot License or Evidence to satisfy the Authority of the competence of the person nominated to carry out test flights.

For RPAS above 7kg net weight (excluding payload):

All of the documents listed above including the following additional documentation listed below must also be submitted:

Complete records to demonstrate that the aircraft has been maintained as required.
An unmanned aircraft flight manual appropriate to the original type certification.
Satisfactory ground and flight test reports to a format previously agreed by the Authority.
A maintenance inspection programme. This must include details of any special techniques specified by the manufacturer, and details of each mandatory replacement or inspection interval.
Maintenance instructions regarding disassembly, transport, storage, and reassembly to an airworthy condition where major components are designed to be removed for this purpose.
Evidence to satisfy the Authority of the competence of the person nominated to maintain the aircraft.
A Company Operations Manual, including hazard identification and risk assessment system program.
Liability and Third Party Insurance Cover from a recognised Insurance broker that has dealt with Unmanned Aircraft Operations Insurance.
Application for the renewal of Authorisations

Applicants for the renewal of an authorisation to fly must submit up to date and valid documents specified above.

Application form:  OP 137 - Issue of Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) Declaration and Permit for Recreational Use Only..pdf



Last update / 24.09.2021

Travel experiences / Travel tips

Legal sources

Civil Aviation Authority of Fiji (CAAF)

Private Bag (NAP0354), Nadi Airport

Republic of Fiji

Tel: (679) 6721 555

Fax (679) 6721 500

The contact for the Authority is Captain T Marshall on phone (679) 6721555 Ext 3368 (during office hours 0800 to 1700) or Mobile 9995207 or call on the Authority’s Safety toll free line 0800 672579

Last update / 02.03.2017

Contact info

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Last update / 24.09.2021