UAS regulations
The Gambia Civil Aviation Act 2018 Part 8 Operations contains details on operations of RPAS (Chapter 137. Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), see text below) and Part 10 COMMERCIAL AIR TRANSPORT BY FOREIGN AIR OPERATORS (see text below).
Part 8 Operations:
137. Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA)
(1) A person shall not operate a RPA in a manner that would cause a hazard to persons, property or other aircraft.
(2) A person operating a RPA shall comply with the general operating rules as listed below-
(a) a person operating an RPA, registered in The Gambia or holding an operator certificate from The Gambia, and its RPAS shall not -
(i) operate in The Gambia without appropriate authorisation from the Authority,
(ii) engage in international air navigation without appropriate authorisation from the State from which the take-off of the RPA is made, or
(iii) operate across the territory of another State, without special authorisation issued by each State in which the flight is to operate, which shall be obtained prior to take-off if there is reasonable expectation, when planning the operations, that the aircraft may enter the airspace concerned,
(iv) shall not operate over the high seas without prior coordination with the appropriate ATS Authority, which shall be obtained prior to take-off if there is reasonable expectation, when planning the operations, that the aircraft may enter the airspace concerned,
(v) shall operate in accordance with conditions specified by the State of Registry, and the State of the Operator if different, and the State(s) in which the flight is to operate,
(vi) shall ensure that the RPAS meets the performance and equipment carriage requirements for the specific airspace in which the flight is to operate;
(b) once authorization has been received by the Authority, the operator”-
(i) shall file a flight plan prior to operation of a RPA,
(ii) shall notify the Authority and ATC immediately in the event of a flight cancellation, and
(iii) shall, in the case of changes to the proposed flight, submit such changes to the Authority for consideration.
(3) A person shall not operate an RPA, registered in The Gambia or holding an operator certificate from The Gambia unless the RPA, RPAS and the remote pilot has obtained the proper approvals of the Authority, as listed below-
(a) an RPAS shall be approved, taking into account the interdependencies of the components, in accordance with Part 5, including-
(i) a certificate of airworthiness for the RPA, and
(ii) the associated RPAS components specified in the type design certificate and maintained in accordance with national regulations;
(b) an operator shall have an RPAS operator certificate issued in accordance with national regulations; and
(c) remote pilots shall be licensed or have their licences rendered valid in accordance with Part 2.
(4) In relation to request for authorisation-
(a) the request for authorisation referred to in paragraph (b) above shall be made by providing the required information in the application form contained in Schedule 8.6; and
(b) a request for authorization to operate an RPA in The Gambia shall be made by following the requirements in Part 10 and providing the required information in the application form contained in the Schedules of Part 10.
30. Requirements for Application by Foreign Persons or Operators for Approval to Operate Remotely Piloted Aircraft into The Gambia
(1) A foreign operator shall not operate a RPA in The Gambia unless it is so authorised by the Authority and holds the associated approvals, conditions and limitations issued to it by the Authority
(2) When a foreign operator wishes to apply to operate RPA in The Gambia, it shall-
(a) make such application to the Authority in the form and manner prescribed; and
(b) make such application in a form and manner prescribed by the Authority.
(3) An application for approval to operate into The Gambia shall be accompanied by a copy of the following, in English translation if the original documents are not in the English language, for each RPA proposed to be operated in The Gambia-
(a) certified true copy of a valid RPA operator certificate;
(b) certificate of aircraft registration;
(c) certificate of airworthiness;
(d) remote pilot(s) licence and medical certificate(s);
(e) aircraft radio station licence, if applicable;
(f) insurance certificate;
(g) noise certificate issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 16 aircraft operator security programme; and
(h) any other document the Authority considers necessary to ensure that the intended operations will be conducted safely.
(4) An applicant under these Regulations shall apply for the initial issue of a foreign RPA approval at least 90 days before the date of commencement of the proposed operation.
(5) Once authorization has been granted by the Authority, the operator shall –
(a) file a flight plan prior to operation of a RPA;
(b) follow the operational rules for RPA in Part 8;
(c) notify the Authority and ATC immediately in the event of a flight cancellation, and
(d) in the case of changes to the proposed flight, submit such changes to the Authority for consideration.
[LATEST UPDATE: May 2020, David Guerin]
Last update / 02.06.2020
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Legal sources
Gambia Civil Aviation Authority
Last update / 09.05.2020
Contact info
Gambia Civil Aviation Authority
Banjul International Airport, Private Mail Bag 285, Banjul
Tel: +220 3359908
Fax: +220 4472190
Last update / 09.05.2020
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