UAS regulations
The Aviation Civile de Madagascar (ACM) have a drone 'landing page' in French here:
"1) Décision n°75 b portant interdiction d’exploitation des aéronefs sans pilote à bord du 16-03-15
2) Instruction n°01 ACM/DRG/17 relative aux conditions d’exploitation des aéronefs télépilotés
3) Formulaire de demande d’autorisation exceptionnelle d’utilisation d’un aéronef qui circule sans pilote à bord"
Unofficial translation:
1) Decision No. 75b prohibiting the operation of remotely piloted aircraft [from 03-16-15]
2) Instruction No. 01 ACM/DRG/17 relating to the operating conditions of remotely piloted aircraft [September 2017].
3) Application form for an exceptional authorization to use an unmanned aircraft [March 2019].
The ACM published INSTRUCTION No. 01 ACM / DGE / DRG / 17: Relative to the Operating Conditions of Remotely Piloted Aircraft instructions in French in Here is the link.
Below (at end) is an unofficial translation into English. [Updated April 2018, David Guerin, ACM website checked by DG Nov 2019, no new information found].
Notice on « interdiction d’exploitation de drone sans autorisation préalable de l’autorité de l’aviation civile », 16 Mar 2015
Décision n°75b /ACM/DGE/DRG du 16 mars 2015
Formulaire de demande d’exploitation de drone: FORM-ACM/DRG N°006, 16 Mar 2015
Remplir le formulaire et le soumettre 5 jours avant le début de l'exploitation.
Dans I'attente de la publication de la règlementation relative aux drones, seul le Directeur Général d'Aviation Civile de Madagascar peut octroyer une dérogation d'exploitation technique après analyse des dossiers et après avis de non-objectiondes autorités administratives concernées. La dérogation précisera explicitement les conditions et les restrictions d'utilisation de l'aéronef. (6 May 2015)
Conformément à la Décision N°75b ACM/DGE/DRG du 16 mars 2015, l’exploitation d’un drone est strictement règlementée pour des raisons de sécurité.
A ce jour, son utilisation n’est autorisée que dans un espace fermé.
Toute personne physique ou morale ayant l’intention d’exploiter un tel appareil hors d’un espace fermé est priée de s’adresser à Aviation Civile de Madagascar (ACM), [13 rue Kassanga BP 4414, Antananarivo 101, Tel +(261) 20 22 224 38 ; GSM 32 07 221 62 ; Fax +(261) 20 22 247 26, Email] 5 jours ouvrables au minimum avant le début des activités.
Toute exploitation sans autorisation est passible de sanction conformément à l’Article L.7.1.1-6 de la loi N° 2015-006 du 12 février 2015 modifiant et complétant certaines dispositions de la loi N°2012-011 du 13 août 2012 portant Code malagasy de l’aviation civile.
The website of Aviation Civile de Madagascar (ACM) was last checked in April 2018
21 Sept 2017
Relative to the Operating Conditions of Remotely Piloted Aircraft
Reference: Article 4, paragraph 1, of Decision 75b / ACM / DGE / DRG March 16, 2015
Article One: Definitions
For the purpose of this Instruction, the following terms are used with the following definitions: - Aircraft: Any aircraft that can sustain itself in the atmosphere through air reactions other than air Reactions of the air to the surface of the earth - Remotely piloted aircraft: Unmanned aircraft piloted from a remote control station - Agglomeration: group of dwellings constituting a village or a city independently of the administrative boundaries - Recreational activity: use of a remotely piloted aircraft for recreational, recreational or competitive purposes. - Operator: a person, organization or enterprise engaged in or proposing to operate one or more aircraft - Aerial work: an aerial activity in which an aircraft is used for specialized services such as agriculture , photography, topography, observation and surveillance, search and rescue, aerial advertising, training. - Populated area: an aircraft is said to evolve in (populated zonr3> when it is evolving: within or at a horizontal distance of less than 100 meters from an agglomeration appearing on the current aeronautical charts disseminated by the aeronautical information service at a scale of 1: 500 000 or a horizontal distance of less than 100 meters from a meeting of persons
Article 2: Exploitation
1) An uninhabited aircraft is operated in such a way that it does not result risk of damage to other aircraft and third parties on the ground. The remote pilot is directly responsible and has final authority over the use of the remotely piloted aircraft.
2) The remote pilot is authorized to refuse a mission if its execution leads to contravention of the applicable regulations or if he considers that his own safety or that of third parties is at stake.
3) The maximum authorized weight is 25 kilograms in aerial work. .
4) Aircraft over 4 kilograms are prohibited from flying over an agglomeration and a populated area.
5) The use of an aircraft for a recreational activity is prohibited.
6) All operations of a remotely piloted aircraft must be in daylight. Night operations are forbidden.
7) The remote pilot must upgrade only one remotely piloted aircraft at the same time.
8) The remote pilot shall not operate a remotely piloted aircraft while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances that affect his physical or mental condition.
9) An operator protection zone shall be provided on the ground by the operator in order to prevent third parties interfering with the implementation of the remotely piloted aircraft, in particular take-off or landing. The operator sets up a security perimeter, adapted to the size of the equipment and protected, if necessary, with the help of people.
10) No remotely piloted aircraft may be used at a horizontal distance of less than 100 meters from any person for aircraft greater than 4 kilograms and 30 meters for aircraft of less than 4 kilograms, except for its remote pilot and, if applicable, operator of the payload of the remotely piloted aircraft. However, it is possible to reduce the distance provided that:
- the presence of persons within the distance corresponding to the mass of the aircraft is directly related to the activity;
- the operator has defined a procedure in case of an incident in flight of the aircraft and has previously informed the persons concerned;
- each of these persons has signed an attestation stating that they have been informed.
11) The remote pilot shall first of all ensure theft of his aircraft that the energy reserves flight allow it to perform the planned flight with a suitable margin of safety to cover foreseeable hazards. This provision also relates to the control and control device of the remotely piloted aircraft.
12) During the preparation of the mission, the operator identifies and takes all necessary measures to reduce the risk of the intrusion of persons into the area of ??? the operation. It takes into account the property limits of the land above which the site is located and can rely on the devices implemented by the landowner to control access to the area.
13) The remote pilot defines a maximum perimeter of the flight of his remotely piloted aircraft in function of the flight height, the type of remotely piloted aircraft and his speed of operation, he defines on the periphery and within this perimeter a zone sufficient security in which the flight of the unmanned aerial vehicle is interrupted when it enters.
14,) For an unmanned aerial vehicle used out of sight, the remote pilot uses an aircraft command and control system that has a means of informing the remote pilot on the positioning of the aircraft to monitor that the aircraft remains on the trajectory that he has determined. If the aircraft enters the safety zone defined in paragraph or leaves the planned flight space, the remote pilot shall take the necessary actions to restore the safety of the flight or, if necessary, stop the flight by initiating a landing. emergency.
15) The remote pilot manages the emergency landing without unduly endangering people or property on the ground.
16) The remote pilot of an aircraft ensures the safety of the flight vis-à-vis third parties and goods.
17) The operator defines the means to ensure the protection of third parties and goods. It identifies the risks associated with the implementation of each type of remotely piloted aircraft or mission and provides solutions.
18) The remote pilot verifies the energy reserves of the remotely piloted aircraft and its command and control device, which are sufficient to undertake the flight and to bring it to an end without additional risks.
Article 3: Use of airspace
1) The provisions relating to the minimum overflight heights prescribed by the Aeronautical Regulations of Madagascar relating to air traffic do not apply to remotely piloted aircraft. However, they comply with the prohibitions and overflight restrictions published in the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP).
2) Uninhabited aircraft are prohibited from evolving:
- within a prohibited area;
- through the cloud or fog;
- less than 30 meters from vehicles, vessels, vessels or persons for aircraft less than 4 kilograms and less than 100 meters for aircraft over 4 kilograms;
- less than 8 kilometers from controlled aerodromes and helicopter landing sites and less than 5 kilometers from uncontrolled aerodromes:
- more than 50 meters above ground level;
3) The remote control must not exceed the speed 80 kilometers per hour, speed calibrated to full power at the flight level.
Article 4: Declaration of incidents
Any drift in relation to the defined trajectory (waypoint or turning point) and incidents that may affect the safety of goods and people in the take-off or landing zone must be reported in the immediate future to the Civil Aviation Authority.
All other incidents related to the operation of a remotely piloted aircraft must be transmitted to the Civil Aviation Authority within seventy-two (72) hours after the occurrence of the occurrence.
Article 5: Sanctions Without prejudice to the penal sanctions provided for by the regulations in force, the Civil Aviation Authority may withdraw the authorization issued for violation of the provisions of this instruction.
Last update / 17.05.2022
Travel experiences / Travel tips
Legal sources
Aviation Civile de Madagascar (ACM)
Last update / 15.05.2020
Contact info
Aviation Civile de Madagascar (ACM)
13, rue Fernand Kasanga
BP 4414, Tsimbazaza, Antananarivo 101, Madagascar
Tel: +(261) 20 22 224 38
GSM: 32 07 221 62
Fax: +(261) 20 22 247 26
Last update / 15.05.2020
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