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UAS regulations

No specific regulations are currently known.


Mauritania’s civil aviation regulations (RTA) have been amended to include the immatriculation (aircraft markings) of remotely piloted aircrafts and have reserved space to include Annex 4 (in Rules of the Air, Feb 2014, which also includes RPAS related glossary). It is not known if this amendment is legally effective and/or binding.


Règle de l'air (Feb 2014) has RPAS glossary with section 3.1.9 and Annex 4 reserved . [link is broken]


RAT 07 (Feb 2014) has immatriculation paragraph (plaque d'identité) for RPAS [link is broken]

The website of the Agence Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ANAC) was last checked in May 2020.

[LATEST UPDATE: May 2020, David Guerin]

Last update / 15.05.2020

Travel experiences / Travel tips

Legal sources

Agence Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ANAC) de Mauritanie

BP 91, Nouakchott, Mauritanie

Last update / 15.05.2020

Contact info

National Civil Aviation Agency
    TEL. : 45244005
    Fax. : 45253578
    PO: 91 Nouakchott - Mauritania


Last update / 15.05.2020

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