UAS regulations
The draft NAMCATS (Namibia Civil Aviation Technical) PART-101-CATS-D-DRAFT Remotely Piloted Aerial Operations is still available for comments:
and has published a pamphlet on RPAS/drone operations:
[LATEST UPDATE: Feb 2023, David Guerin]
A person operating a RPA System in Namibia shall have prior authorisation or Remotely Piloted Aircraft System Letter of Approval (RLA) or Operating Certificate (ROC) from the Executive Director before undertaking any flight operations.
Letter of Approval - Intended for Private and Recreational use
An applicant for a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) Letter of Approval (RLA) shall make an application for the initial authorisation at least 30 calendar days before the date of commencement, and 60 calendar days for foreign owners or operators.
Operator Certificate - Intended for Commercial Operations or Aerial Work Use
1. An applicant for a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) for commercial, corporate, aerial work issuance of an operating certificate (ROC), including operations specifications shall make an application for the initial certificate at least 90 calendar days before the date of commencement, and 120 calendar days for foreign owners or operators.
2. An applicant for the issuance of a ROC or renewal or an amendments thereto must provide the Executive Director with-
(a) a formal application letter in a manner prescribed by the Executive Director prior to commencing operations.
(b) the formal application letter shall outline the purpose of the application with a full description of commercial, corporate operation or aerial work activities of the intended operations together with any other information that the Applicant might consider to be helpful in support of the application.
(a) an Air Service License
(b) A copy of the certificate of registration of each remotely operated aircraft;
(c) A copy of the remotely piloted aircraft Letter of Approval for each device to be operated; and
(d) for initial issue , an original Operations Manual Prepared as prescribed in NCAA Directive and Advisory Pamphlet FSS-GEN-AP- RPA1/17);
Copy of proof a payment of the prescribed application processing fees.
No remotely aircraft shall be registered under more than one remotely piloted aircraft system operating certificate.
Authorisation and Safety requirements
When the approval is granted by NCAA, following the internal review of your application, you shall also ensure of carrying at the time of operation, evidence of prior written approval by the persons, organisations or authorities exercising lawful jurisdiction over the affected area or activity, if applicable.
2. A person operating a RPAS in Namibia shall:
(a) not operate in weather conditions that do not allow unobstructed visual contact to be maintained with the RPAS by other airspace users and by the operator;
(b) not operate in controlled airspace, except by the holder of ROC and as approved by the Director in the operator’s Operations Manual;
(c) not operate within 5 nautical miles of any restricted area;
(d) not fly over an assembly of people;
(e) not operate closer than the 50 metres to any person or property (vehicles, vessels or structures), roads that is not under the control of the person operating the aircraft;
(f) not use a public road as a place of landing or take-off of an RPA, except when involved in civil defense or law-enforcement operations, with a proper authorisation, and provided that at all times reasonable care is taken to ensure the safety of persons and property on the ground;
(g) not operate in a negligent or reckless manner so as to endanger the safety of any person, property or other aircraft in the air or on the ground;
(h) no object or substance shall be released, dispensed, dropped, delivered or deployed from a RPAS except by the holder of an ROC and as approved by the Director in the operators ‘Operations Manual
(i) not operate within 5 nautical miles of gazetted National Parks or Game Reserves unless approved for the specific flight or series of flights by the Director and the relevant national agency;
(j) not operate the RPA outside visual line-of-sight unless specifically approved by the Director;
(k) report any accidents, incidents or airspace violations without unreasonable delay to the Director and in any case not later than 72 hours after the occurrence;
(l) not carry dangerous goods as cargo, except by the Holder of an ROC and as approved by the Director in the operation manual.
(m) not operate across the territory of another State, without special authorisation issued by the Director and by the appropriate authorities of the other State.
Application Fees
Proof of Payment of NAD 1,200.00 (One Thousand Two Hundred) Namibian dollars, being processing fees for Private and Recreational use and NAD 4,500.00 (Four Thousand Five Hundred) for Commercial and Aerial work use. [Approximately 75-275 Euros].
The Namibian AIP (section en-route) was updated in 2015 via AIRAC:
12. Captive and Unmanned Free Balloons, Kites, and Remotely Piloted Aircraft
12.1 No person shall, without the written permission of the Director and under any conditions which the Director may determine, operate a Kite, Remotely Piloted Aircraft, Captive or Unmanned Balloon:
a) higher than 150 feet above the surface;
b) within a published control zone, air traffic zone or air traffic area; or
c) closer than 5NM from the boundary of an aerodrome
Last update / 31.08.2023
Drone Use in Conservation
[Last updated by Macayle Guerin April 2022]
Legal sources
Namibian Directorate of Civil Aviation:
Ministry Of Works And Transport
Last update / 03.08.2023
Contact info
Namibian Directorate of Civil Aviation
Ministry Of Works And Transport
No 4 Rudolph Hertzog, Private Bag 12003,
Ausspannplatz, Windhoek, Namibia
Tel: +264 61 702212 Fax: +264 61 702066 [see Contact Info below]
Tel (Local): 61 70 2005
Tel (Int’l): +264 61 70 2005
or Call :
1.Captain Michael Schubert (Tel) +264 61 702 239, Flight Operations Inspector / Desk Officer in the Flight Operations Section for RPAS
2.Captain Christopher Gundu (Tel) + 264 61 702 239| (Cell) +264 81 714 4931 our Expert Flight Operations in the Flight Operations Section. The Office of Captain Gundu is supervising the RPAS regulatory framework development and implementation.
3.Chief Flight Operations Section (Tel) +264 61 70 21 54| (Cell) +264 81 339 4814. Flight Operations Section is the Section in the Civil Aviation responsible for aircraft operations (OPS)’ certification, authorisations approval and surveillance obligations for an effective safety oversight of RPA
Last update / 19.02.2021
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AirMap provides details of restricted areas here (it refers to Mapbox - Open Street mapping) :,15.771891,8.115358z
Last update / 25.04.2021