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UAS Regulations

The government has been reported to have shared a draft commercial UAS policy for review with stakeholders in September 2020 according to this news article.

The draft CAA bill 2017 mentions UAS:

16. Prohibition on pilotless aircraft.-
(1) No aircraft capable of being flown without a pilot shall fly, without a pilot in command over the territory of Pakistan, except with a prior approval of the Federal Government as prescribed.

Provided that the unmanned aerial vehicle operation related to work, business and recreation, may be permitted subject to prescribed conditions.

(2) Whosoever contravenes or fails to comply with any provision of sub section (1) shall deem to have committed an offence under this Act, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to five hundred thousand rupees or both.

Some online sources cite existing drone rules in Pakistan. However no official government issued sources could be found to corroborate the following rules that have been circulating on the web since at least 2017:

Drone use is allowed in Pakistan, but there are several Pakistan drone laws that need to be followed when flying in the country. Operators must ensure that they follow the following laws when flying in Pakistan:

Do not fly your drone over people or large crowds

Do not fly your drone near military installations, power plants, or any area that could cause concern among local authorities

Respect others privacy when flying your drone

You must fly during daylight hours and only fly in good weather conditions

Do not fly your drone near airports or in any area were aircraft are operating

Last update by D. SOESILO on 16 NOV 2020.

Last update / 23.11.2022

Travel experiences / Travel tips

The import of drone cameras is apparently restricted in Pakistan according to this article.

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Call: +9221 99071111


Last update / 16.11.2020


Last update / 02.03.2017