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UAS regulations, please refer France (DSAC) Réunion is one of the overseas departments of France. Like the other four overseas departments, it is also one of the 18 regions of France, with the modified status of overseas region, and an integral part of the republic with the same status as Metropolitan France. Réunion is an outermost region of the European Union and, as an overseas department of France, part of the eurozone.[

DSAC Océan-Indien

Interregional Directorates for Civil Aviation Safety (DSAC IR) are levels of the directorate for civil aviation safety (DSAC), a national administration attached to the director general of the French Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC) . They are responsible for ensuring conformity with applicable international standards in the field of civil aviation, EU regulations and national laws and regulations on safety, security and the environment.

The DSAC Océan-Indien regroups the departments of La Réunion, Mayotte and the French Southern and Antarctic Lands (Terres australes et antarctiques françaises (TAAF).

[LATEST UPDATE: May 2020, David Guerin] 

Last update / 20.05.2020

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Interregional Directorates for Civil Aviation Safety (DSAC IR)

Last update / 20.05.2020

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