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UAS Regulations

The ANACIM has a drone 'landing page' (in French) which is here:

Decision no 02868 of 5 Nov 2018 is the Decision amending the Aeronautical Regulations of Senegal no6 - addition of appendix 5 to RAS 06 (Unmanned aircraft systems). It provides Annexe 5 ANNEXE 5 AU RÈGLEMENT AÉRONAUTIQUE DU SÉNÉGAL N° 06 SYSTEMES D’AERONEFS TELEPILOTES. [APPENDIX 5 TO SENEGAL'S AVIATION REGULATIONS NO.06:   UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS].

Annex 5 of RAC 06 was published on 5 Nov 2018 (in French):,%20Part%20I-%20Exploitation% 20Technique% 20des% 20a% C3% A9ronefs / A05-RAS06-Systemes-aeronefs-telepilotes.pdf

RPAS Regulations (related to ICAO Annex 2):

The Civil Aviation Regulations RAS 02, Règles de l’air Rules of the Air [in French]  contains APPENDICE 4. SYSTÈMES D’AÉRONEFS TÉLÉPILOTÉS  [from page 70] linked by

3.1.9 Aéronef télépiloté Un aéronef télépiloté doit être exploité de manière à présenter le moins de danger possible pour les personnes, les biens ou d’autres aéronefs, et conformément aux conditions spécifiées dans l’Appendice 4.

[3.1.9  Unmanned aircraft: An unmanned aircraft must be operated in such a manner as to pose as little risk as possible to persons, property or other aircraft, and in accordance with the conditions specified in Appendix 4.]

The regulations are for international air navigations, i.e. operations by certified RPAS operating in controlled airspace as per conventionally piloted aircraft and covers three sections:

  1. General operating rules
  2. Certificates and Licenses
  3. Request for permission

[LATEST UPDATE: May 2020, David Guerin] 

Last update / 26.06.2020

Drone Use in Conservation

Collaboration between Senegal Flying Labs (SFL), the Directorate of National Parks and the Directorate of Community Marine Protected Areas granting greater scope for surveillance and research abilities. Using drones for population surveys is extremely advantageous with increasing accessibility and using AI (a combination of systems such as the Phantom 4 Pro V2 and the ATLAS Artificial Intelligence platform [by SPH Engineering]) to count and identify objects to produce a population estimate, mostly focussing on surveying pelican, flamingo and duck species populations.

Workshops held in January and November 2020 established the main goals of the collaboration projects. Surveys, carried out on the African-Eurasian Waterbird Census Day, include recording a tally of Pelican’s nests, trialing the severity of birds’ reactions to different drone types, and counting individual birds that are not necessarily in the ‘counting sectors’. 


[Last updated by Macayle Guerin June 2021]

Legal sources

National Agency for Civil Aviation and Meteorology (ANACIM) of Senegal

Last update / 20.05.2020

Contact info

National Agency for Civil Aviation and Meteorology (ANACIM) of Senegal

Léopold Sédar SENGHOR Airport

BP 8184, Dakar-Yoff

Tel: (00 221) 33 865 60 00/33 869 53 35

Fax: (00 221) 33 820 04 03/33 820 39 67

Last update / 20.05.2020

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Last update / 23.09.2021