South Africa
UAS Regulations
SA-CATS 101 Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems amended by the Director of Civil Aviation through SA-CATS 1/2017 w.e.f. 1 June 2017, SA-CATS 2/2021 w.e.f. 15 November 2021 and SA-CATS 2/2023 w.e.f. 17 March 2023.] is here: [ NOTE: select Technical Standards (Flight Operations)
or check here:
The South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) has an information page with all relevant links here:
The Private Drone Association of South Africa maintains a database of approved and non-approved areas for drone flying in South Africa:
South African National Parks provides the following piece: Grounded: Reasons why drones are not permitted in National Parks and Protected Areas in South Africa
If you are planning a trip to a National Park or protected area in South Africa, you might be wondering if you can bring your drone with you. Unfortunately, the answer is usually no. Drones (or recreational unmanned aerial vehicles) are not allowed in most National Parks and protected areas in South Africa, and for good reason. This is following the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act No. 57 of 2003, which highlights that it is illegal to fly a drone below 2500 feet above the highest peak of any national park or protected area without the permission of the Managing Authority.
[LATEST UPDATE: JULY 2024, David Guerin]
Last update / 22.08.2024
Travel experiences / Travel tips
Legal sources
South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA)
Last update / 21.05.2020
Contact info
Ikhaya Lokundiza, Building 16, Treur Close
Waterfall Park, Bekker Street, Midrand
Postal: Private Bag X 73, Halfway House 1685
Tel: 011 – 545 1000
Fax: 011 – 545 1455
Contact the UAS department : update / 21.05.2020
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Championing the Use of Drones and Robotics for Social Good
We work towards achieving a sustainable social impact through the appropriate use of new technology while engaging public in training and projects in order to raise awareness around robotics for social good.
An in-depth summary of drone regulations is here:
Last update / 25.04.2021