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UAS Regulations

As of 24 Aug 2020, all RPAS (drones) in Tanzania must be registered by 28 August 2020: https://www.tcaa.go.tz/files/news/doc_20200824154115_DRONES-ENGLISH.pdf 

On 14 December 2018, new Regulations for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) or Drones in the United Republic of Tanzania, titled the Civil Aviation (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) Regulations, 2018 were published. With the coming into force of these Regulations, AIC 5/18 (and AIC 5/17 preceding it) on operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems is no longer applicable. However, AIC 2/20 of Jan. 2020  lists Aeronautical Information Circulars in Force and still includes AIC 5/18.

Excerpts from the TCAA page: https://www.tcaa.go.tz/news_detail.php?token=dmQzc3RNWWV4eCsrQnlnTi9rcVN6UT09

Among the changes, the Regulations include:

  • New Pilot Licensing Rules and Examinations
  • RPAS Registration required for all RPAS (drones)
  • Approval before importation of  RPAS
  • Includes both commercial and recreational uses

Overview of the new rules:

The Regulations apply to RPAS or drones, that:

  • weigh 0 kilograms (kg) up to and including 25 kilograms(kg), and
  • are operated within the pilot’s visual-line-of-sight

These Regulations introduce three categories of RPAS operations: Category A - used for recreational and sports purposes only, Category B - used for private activities excluding recreational and sports purposes and Category C - used for commercial activities.


There are serious penalties, for those who contravene the Regulations. Individuals and corporations can face fines or jail term for contravening any provision of the Regulations. 

Some of the offences are:

  • putting aircraft and people at risk
  • operating without RPAS pilot licence
  • operating unmarked or unregistered RPAS
  • import a RPAS without a permit

Pilot Licence and knowledge tests

All RPAS pilots for commercial or private purposes shall have a RPAS pilot Licence and shall pass an initial aeronautical knowledge test or recurrent aeronautical knowledge test.


All RPAS must be registered with the Authority and shall be assigned a registration number before operation.

Operation in prohibited or restricted areas

The Regulations also define certain restricted areas for operating RPAS like near airports and shall not be operated, in a manner that endangers other aircraft, persons or property.

RPAS Safety Management System

RPAS operators shall establish and implement a Safety Management System (SMS) commensurate to the size of their operations in accordance with their operational requirements.  Pilots must operate their drone within the limits outlined in the Regulations.

It also appears that unmanned aircraft operations in national parks is banned (see related articles to right). 

RPAS Regulations (related to ICAO Annex 2):

The Civil Aviation Regulations 2017 Part: Rules of the Air contains the Second Schedule, from page 62 of THE CIVIL AVIATION ACT CAP. 80) on RPAS, linked by sub-part 14. :

14. Remotely piloted aircraft A person shall operate-a remotely piloted aircraft in such a manner as to minimise hazards to persons, property or other aircraft, and in accordance with the conditions specified in the Second Schedule.

The regulations are for international air navigations, i.e. operations by certified RPAS operating in controlled airspace as per conventionally piloted aircraft, and cover three sections:

  1. General operating rules
  2. Certificates and Licenses
  3. Request for permission

The primary legislation was published as GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. 758, 14 Dec. 2018:

(and is found here).

[LATEST UPDATE: May 2020, David Guerin] 

Last update / 18.11.2021

Travel experiences / Travel tips

Legal sources

Global Drone Regulations Database is licensed under the following license:

CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

Last update / 05.08.2020

Contact info

Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority (TCAA):

Aviation House, Nyerere/ Kitunda Road Junction
P.O. Box 2819, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: (255) 22 2198196
Fax: (255) 2844304
Email: tcaa@tcaa.go.tz

Tanzanian Airports Authority:

P.O.Box 18000 Dar Es Salaam 
Tel (Gen): +255 22 2842402/3 
Fax: +255 22 2844495 
Email: info@airports.go.tz 

Last update / 21.05.2020

Related articles

The Lake Victoria Challenge drone flying event, expo and conference was held in Mwanza in 2018.

It appears that in 2014 unmanned aircraft operations in national parks is banned: 


Flying Labs Tanzania: https://flyinglabs.org/tanzania/

We are a Tanzanian knowledge hub that facilitates world-class training courses, builds skills, develops innovative robotics and AI use cases while hosting educational events and incubating new businesses. Local Robotics and AI solutions for SDGs

Last update / 25.04.2021