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UAS Regulations

In February 2020, the CAA of Uganda gazetted 'No.23 —The Civil Aviation (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) Regulations', available here:  2020 RPAS. This includes eight parts and 6 schedules:

Part I— Preliminary
Part II— Categorization of Operations and registration of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS)
Part III— general requirements for operation of RPAS
Part IV— Basic operations of RPAS for Private, sport and recreation
Part V— specific operations.
Part VI— Complex, Commercial or Certified operation of RPAS
Part VII— security requirements for RPAS operations
Part VIII— miscellaneous

The CAA-Uganda also has general information on importation and operating procedures for RPA/drones (20 May 2020):

Research on the issue has been conducted by the CAA Uganda in July 2019 with the following presentations available:
Overview of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems:

Regulatory framework and procedures for drone operations:

Uganda’s civil aviation regulations (CAR) have been amended to include UA interpretation in accident definitions and the immatriculation (aircraft markings) of remotely piloted aircrafts. Refer:

The website of the Civil Aviation Authority of Uganda was last checked in Nov 2021.

[LATEST UPDATE: Nov 2021, David Guerin] 

Last update / 18.11.2021

Travel experiences / Travel tips

Legal sources

Civil Aviation Authority of Uganda

Last update / 02.06.2020

Contact info

Civil Aviation Authority of Uganda

+256 312 352 000

Airport Road-Entebbe
P.O.Box 5536 Kla

Last update / 21.05.2020

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Last update / 18.11.2021