United Arab Emirates

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UAS Regulations


The user and UAS/drone shall be registered with the GCAA before flying;



The GCAA provides UAE Fly Zone for Unmanned Aircraft/Drone: https://www.gcaa.gov.ae/en/Pages/noflyzone.aspx





No video or image capturing devices shall be used when flying the UAS/drone;

No UAS/drones shall be equipped with drop or release devices;

UAS/drones flying range shall be within line-of-sight and not more than 400 feet above ground level;

UAS/drones shall fly only during day time and in good weather conditions;

UAS/drones shall be used for fun and not for commercial purposes;

The user shall be responsible to ensure the UAS/drones is used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and it is inspected before commencement of flight;

No user shall fly the UAS/drones near public and/or private property;

No user shall fly the UAS/drones within 5 km of UAE airports outer fence, Heliports, Helicopter landing Sites, and airfields or in controlled zones;

Direct radio control link shall be maintained between the user and the UAS/drones;

Frequency Band Restrictions (29.7-47.0 MHz max power 10 mW, or 2400-2500 MHz max power 100 mW) shall be maintained;

UAS/drones user shall take into consideration the effects on radio communication, interference of the frequency used;

UAS/drones user shall avoid collisions with people, objects, other manned and unmanned aircraft;

UAS/drones user shall not harass or endanger people or threaten to damage property;

UAS/drones owner shall be responsible to inform the GCAA through the GCAA website when he/she intends to resell the UAS/drones;

If a UAS/drones accident or UAS/drones loss of control has occurred, the user shall immediately report the incident/accident to the GCAA on hotline: +971506414667 and E-mail: aai@gcaa.gov.ae ;


The minimum age to fly UAS/drones weighing more than 25kg is 21 years;


All UAS/drones weighing 5kgs or less shall only be allowed to fly in the approved flying zone (i.e the green zone) (Click to download Google Earth Map)(Click to view Google Earth Image);

All UAS/drones weighing above 5kgs and/or equipped with gas engine shall only operate within the GCAA approved flying clubs;

Requirements for an Organization/Operator (Commercial & Non Commercial) EXAM The operator of UAS must pass an UAS GCAA exam, for more information about the reference of the UAS exam please. (Click here)   


All Organizations/Operators who intend to operate UAS/drones in the UAE for commercial or special operations are required to hold a GCAA UAS/drones Registration Certificate.(Click to Apply)   OPERATION APPROVAL All Organizations/Operators holding a GCAA UAS/drones Registration certificate are required to obtain an operational approval before commencement of each flight.(Click to Apply)

Last update / 24.09.2021

Other information

Operations with a video camera are not allowed.
Also iIf google Earth is not used then you need to download the Drone Hub App (https://www.gcaa.gov.ae/en/Pages/noflyzone.aspx

[Advice provided by Peter Dawson, March 2021]

Legal sources

Last update / 06.12.2017

Contact info


 Internet: www.gcaa.gov.ae Email: ana.approvals@gcaa.gov.ae Fax: +97124054406 Postal Address: P.O.Box: 6558

Abu Dhabi Mobile Website: www.gcaa.gov.ae/mobile Over the Counter: Abu Dhabi

Please feel free to get in touch with GCAA for any other enquiry using our different channels  Phone from within the UAE : 

00971 2 4447666 (Abu Dhabi)

00971 4 2828270 (Dubai)

Phone from outside the UAE: +971 4 2111777

Last update / 02.03.2017

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