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UAS regulations

Vanuatu's new drone website was excellent [David Guerin 24 Nov 2017]:   

but was not working when checked in March 2021.

Vanuatu is also a member of the Pacific Aviation Safety Office (PASO) Regional Safety Oversight Organisation and host the PASO Office.

[Last updated by David Guerin March 2021, the information below may be out of date and incorrect]

Vanuatu currently use regulations established by the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand (


The New Zealand Minister of Transport creates the Civil Aviation Rules that are divided into groups of related rules called ‘Parts’.


The two Parts that relate directly to RPAS are: Part 101 Gyrogliders and Parasails, Unmanned Aircraft (including Balloons), Kites, and Rockets - Operating Rules (, and Part 102 Unmanned Aircraft Operator Certification (


Operators of RPAS also need to be aware of other rules that affect them, for example Part 91 General Operating and Flight Rules.


Part 101 only applies to RPAS of 25 kg and under that can fully comply with the rules in Part 101. To operate any aircraft over this weight, and for operations that cannot comply with Part 101, the operator must be certificated under Part 102.


RPAS weighing between 15 and 25 kg must be constructed or inspected, approved and operated under the authority of a person or association approved for this purpose by the Director of Civil Aviation (New Zealand).


  • There are 12 key things that are required under Part 101 - you must:not operate an aircraft that is 25 kg or larger and always ensure that it is safe to operate
  • at all times take all practicable steps to minimize hazards to persons, property and other aircraft (ie, don’t do anything hazardous)
  • fly only in daylight
  • give way to all crewed aircraft
  • be able to see the aircraft with your own eyes (eg, not through binoculars, a monitor, or smartphone) to ensure separation from other aircraft (or use an observer to do this in certain cases)
  • not fly your aircraft higher than 120 metres (400 feet) above ground level (unless certain conditions are met)
  • have knowledge of airspace restrictions that apply in the area you want to operate
  • not fly closer than four kilometres from any aerodrome (unless certain conditions are met)
  • when flying in controlled airspace, obtain an air traffic control clearance issued by Airways
  • not fly in special use airspace without the permission of the administering authority of the area (eg, military operating areas or restricted areas)
  • have consent from anyone you want to fly above
  • have the consent of the property owner or person in charge of the area you are wanting to fly above.

This list should not substitute for a full reading of Part 101. You should conduct a thorough assessment of your operation and understand the rules that apply to your operation before deciding whether to operate under Part 101 and 102.

Last update / 02.03.2021

Travel experiences / Travel tips

Legal sources

Pacific Aviation Safety Office

Civil Aviation Authority of Vanuatu (CAAV)

Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities

Vanuatu is a member of the Pacific Aviation Safety Office (PASO) Regional Safety Oversight Organisation ( - the  PASO Office was established in Vanuatu in 2007. PASO provides quality aviation safety and security service for Member States in the Pacific. PASO is the sole international organisation responsible for regional regulatory aviation safety oversight service for the 10 Pacific States who are signatories to the Pacific Islands Civil Aviation Safety and Security Treaty (PICASST).

Last update / 02.03.2021

Contact info

Pacific Aviation Safety Office

PO Box 139, Port Vila, Vanuatu

PASO head office is located on La Casa di Andrea e Luciano Building, Lini Highway, Port Vila opposite the Chantilly's Hotel.

Tel: +678 28500

Fax: +678 28555


Civil Aviation Authority of Vanuatu (CAAV)

Ministry of Infrastructure and Public Utilities

Private Mail Bag 9068, Port Vila, Vanuatu

Tel: (678) 22819

Last update / 02.03.2021

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